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اللغة الانجليزية - اللغة الفرنسية

اللغة الانجليزية - اللغة الفرنسية - كل مايهم منهاج اللغة الانجليزية و الفرنسية في سوريا - French Language - English Language

مواضيع اللغة الانكليزية - الثالث الثانوي العلمي

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افتراضي مواضيع اللغة الانكليزية - الثالث الثانوي العلمي

اطرح بين ايديكم ملف يحوي على 15 صفحة تحوي على 27 موضوع باللغة الانكليزية مع الترجمة لطلاب الصف الثالث الثانوي
المواضيع هم على الشكل التالي :

1. Should motorists who drive too fast in residential areas be banned from driving? (Students’ Book – Page 15)

2. Write an e-mail to a friend about a significant event that changed your life. (Students’ Book – Page 21)
Write about something that actually happened to you. (Activity Book – Page 13)

3. Write a report based on waste and recycling statistics.
(Students’ Book – Page 27) (Activity Book – Page 18)

4. Write a set of recommendations to improve life in your town or city. (Students’ Book – Page 30)

5. Do you think companies should allow their employees to use work computers for their own purposes? (Activity Book - Page 8)

6. Write a letter to a local newspaper making recommendations which might help to solve ONE of these problems. (Activity Book - Page 22)

7. You are going to write a reply to an email on water shortage, suggesting ways of consuming less water. (Students’ Book - Page 39)

8. You are going to write an account of a visit you made.(Students’ Book – Page 45)
Write an informal letter describing a visit. (Activity Book - Page 31)

9. Write a report to the council making recommendations about where to build houses. (Students’ Book – Page 51)

10. Write an essay on one of the following titles. (Activity Book – Page 37)
? The argument for and against protecting wild animals.
? The argument for and against keeping household pets.
? The argument for and against eating meat.

11. Write a leaflet publicizing the problem of climate change and suggesting two or three ways in which ordinary people can reduce the amount of energy they use. (Activity Book – Page 41)
Write a leaflet aimed at people of your age on the need to protect the environment. (Students’ Book – Page 54)

12. Write a magazine article giving advice to people of your own age who are about to start a new gob. (Students’ Book – Page 63)

13. Write an email to suggest the most suitable place to live for a family of four, a young couple and an elderly couple.
(Students’ Book - Page 69)

14. Write a short biography of someone you know or know about.
(Students’ Book – Page 75) (Activity Book – Page 55)

15. What do you do to keep healthy? Do you have the best balance of habits and activities? How can you improve your health? (Activity Book – Page 45)

16. Write a description of a building you know well. (Activity Book – Page 51)

17. Make a poster to promote a tourist attraction in your country. (Activity Book – Page 60)

18. Write a response to an advert for a place on a Syrian expedition to the summit of Mount Everest. (Students’ Book – Page 87)

19. Write a report describing some of the most important technological changes that have affected people’s lives recently. (Students’ Book – Page 93)

20. Write a letter recommending a genius for an award. (Students’ Book – Page 99)

21. Write an email to a friend whose family you are going on holiday with. (Activity Book – Page 65)

22. Write a report making recommendations which will improve road safety in your town or city. (Activity Book – Page 70)

23. Write your own set of instructions for a simple activity. Write 120-150 words. Use an idea of your own or one of these ideas: (Activity Book – Page 75)

24. What do you think about people who risk their lives climbing mountains? (Activity Book – Page 79)

25. How do you think people would behave if there were no laws?

26. Why do people leave their own country and migrate to another?

27. Write about Recycling.

اعداد الاستاذ : محمد نور محمود
التحميل من الرابط التالي : مواضيع انكليزي مع الترجمة - البكالوريا العلمي

زوار منتدى علوم للجميع الكرام ,, يشرفنا كتابة ارائكم حول المواضيع المطروحة
التداول (Trading)، الرهن العقاري (Mortgage)، خدمات الترميز الطبي Medical Coding Services، الدعوى (Claim)

[اضافة تعليق]

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